Funtimbers Washington DC
GAGA BALL Pit Made Easy
The Rules
GaGa (or Gaga) Ball gets its name from the Israeli word for “hit” – ga – and originated in Israel. Therefore, GaGa Ball means “Hit, Hit Ball.” A fun and active game, GaGa is played with a ball and any number of players in an enclosed space. The object of the game is for players to use their hands to hit the other players with the ball, while avoiding being hit themselves. Players are eliminated if they are hit by the ball.
Adjustable End Kits Available

Adjustable End Kits – $175 comes with two (2) Adjustable Ends and two (2) Filler Ends.
12″ ADJUSTABLE END KIT 2-Adjustable Ends and 2-Filler Ends ADJ-00001
9″ ADJUSTABLE END KIT 2-Adjustable Ends and 2-Filler Ends ADJ-00004
ADA Access Ramps
Childforms® patented wheelchair accessible ramp system is both cost-effective and easy to install. Designed to be used with our Funtimber™ containment system; the ADA ramp provides convenient access to the playground and helps to establish a clear entry-exit point to your playground. Each ADA ramp system includes (1) mounting log and the necessary spikes for anchoring and takes the place of (1) Funtimber™ around your play area border.The full 8”, 9” and 12”ADA/Wheelchair ramps include an entrance and exit ramp; while our flush mount ADA ramp contains an entrance only, and is designed to be used when connecting to an existing sidewalk. U.S. Patent 6.418,675 B1

12″ ADA RAMP SYSTEM order with 12″ Funtimbers™ ADA-00002
9″ ADA RAMP SYSTEM order with 9″ Funtimbers™ ADA-00008

ADA FLUSH MOUNT RAMP SYSTEM use with 9″ or 12″ Funtimbers™ ADA-00005